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Evolution Super Compliance

A Total Compliance Solution

Evolution Super provides a total compliance solution for Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF).

  • SMSF Trust Deed Establishment
  • Special Purpose Trustee Company’s
  • Amendments to Existing SMSF Trust Deed’s
  • SMSF Compliance Document’s

The superannuation laws, like all laws are complex and constantly changing. This makes it virtually impossible for Trustees of their own SMSF to have peace of mind that the activities they undertake in their Fund are in accordance with those laws. The rules of a SMSF are contained within the trust deed and it must adequately reflect these laws and also allow the many strategies available to members of these Funds.

The changes to the super laws that have occurred in recent years mean that you may be missing out on many strategic opportunities such as:

  • Members aged over preservation age, or more, accessing benefits before retirement
  • Splitting super contributions with your spouse
  • Adding non-working members (eg. spouse, children, etc);
  • Making contributions up to age 65 without the need to meet the work test;
  • Having the ability to make contributions up to age 75;
  • Having the ability to make contributions on your children’s behalf;
  • Establishing a transition to retirement income stream;
  • Establishing an account based pension; and
  • Creating flexible income streams in retirement to complement your lifestyle.

Importantly, we want to ensure you’re your deed is flexible enough to handle an estate plan that is specifically tailored to looking after your family’s particular needs.

The Fees

Trust Deed/Establishment Services

Trust Deed Establishment (Inc Compliance Pack) $990
Upgrade/Replace Existing Trust Deed $495
Add/Remove Trustees $220
Corporate Trustee Establishment $990
Compliance Package (Stand Alone) $295